Leslie Desmond. . .
offers a perfect solution for continuing remote online education!
Coaching with Leslie Desmond
can help you deepen your understanding of
Bill Dorrance's
enduring message and straightforward training method.
FOAH recommends Hannah McCargar
at Able Horse Natural Hoof Care
for continuing education about the hooves and developing
a custom maintenance program for any horse with troubled feet.

Increase your understanding of Bill Dorrance's
message and feel-based training philosophy and simple techniques.
True Horsemanship Though Feel, the book, explains the feel of release,
and how to refine your feel of the horse
through your lead rope, lunge line, reins, mecate, and seat.
Video content for each session must be uploaded
at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled coaching appointment.
You are welcome to upload as many videos as you think will make the lesson meaningful for you.​The total length of all videos combined should not exceed 12 minutes.
Thank you!