Magazine Reviews
“Bill and Leslie have written a most extraordinary book. This is the book that horse lover from all over the world have been waiting for.”
--Nicholas Evans, Author of The Horse Whisperer and The Loop
“It is the ultimate in horse training when horses and humans act as one, through feel. Both brand-new horse owners and established horse trainers will benefit from the mountain of knowledge overflowing these pages. This book is the ultimate goal to horse training. Not only will your horse learn easier, but by applying Bill Dorrance’s principles, you will become not only a better horse trainer but a better person. This is an incredible publication, worth every penny."
--Darrell Arnold, Editor / Cowboy Magazine (1999)
"This 90-year old man cared enough to take the time to describe in detail each particle of feel that goes into the making of good horsemanship. And Leslie Desmond has documented it for us, carefully preserving the vernacular so that reading the book is like a face-to-face visit with Bill Dorrance. There is nothing else like this book. It is the nuts and bolts of good horsemanship."
--Linda Boston, Editor Ranch and Country Magazine
"Bill Dorrance has a long lifetime's knowledge of horses and how they work, and his insights are unshakably his own, because he's lived them. For Leslie Desmond to have captured the style and substance of this remarkable man so faithfully, in such a beautifully produced book, seems hardly less than miraculous."
--William Steinkraus, Olympic Champion in Show Jumping (1968)
Inducted 1987 to Show Jumping Hall of Fame
Chairman Emeritus, U.S. Equestrian Team
"Everyone from dressage competitor to team roper to trail rider can find something of benefit when he opens the book to learn True Horsemanship Through Feel. How fortunate for the industry that Leslie Desmond has documented the master's techniques."
--Western Horseman Magazine
“Bill’s book is the cornerstone of the new movement in horsemanship. It is testimony to his faith in the human capacity for deep insight, forgiveness and generosity. Never before has such a rich resource been available to those who love and respect this magnificent animal. This effort is without question unparalleled.”
--New York Times Review of Books
"[True Horsemanship Through Feel] is pure Bill, full of stories and explanations [while he] gently presents the reader with this way of working with a horse. It is a gracious and generous gift of his experience of a lifetime."
--Kathy Peth, Foundation Quarter Horse Journal
"Bill's straightforward and logical approach to horsemanship was unmatched. His methods were inspirational and enlightening . . . his encouragement to find a deeper level of insight into our horses and ourselves was, and still is, very refreshing. Bill and his ways will live on in this wonderful book."
--Randi Peters, Natural Horse Magazine
"Bill's book is 'The Horseman's Bible', and it's the hottest selling book on the market. No question about it."
--Jim Polasek, Western International Book Distributor